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Infectious Disease Outbreak Control

This is a customised solution for any workplace who have enacted the priority to operate with the least possibility of being infected and also the need of business continuity during the pandemic outbreak.

Our customised solutions are to ensure two-fold objectives

Health safety measures are in place to minimise the risk of infection or cross infections at work place areas typically in manufacturing facilities as per the requirement of the Malaysian Government’s COVID-19 Standard Operating Procedures (SOP).


To provide Clients on the type of infection and business continuity risks involved in their current work flow process and the recommended mitigation and solutions to manage such risks.


Delivery Guy
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Construction Workers

Workplace that may require such solutions

  • Telecommunications 

  • Utilities

  • Power

  • Oil & Gas

  • etc.


Key Point Installations

  • Logistics 

  • Distribution Centers

  • Financial Institutions

  • etc.

Working with Financial Documents

Essential Services

  • Gloves

  • Face Masks

  • Food & Beverages

  • etc.

Food Service

Manufacturing Facilities

Infection Risk Assessment Analysis and Business Continuity Risk

We are able to develop and provide the work place with the Infection Risk Matrix Assessment which will also affect Business Continuity Risk, based on the entities’ workflow and business processes. We are able to provide additional guidance including identifying areas of concerns that the entities may encounter while carrying out their workflow activities whilst complying with the latest SOP requirement issued by the Malaysian Government during this pandemic period.

Infection Control & Containment SOP


The Infection and Business Continuity Risk Assessment Management data will be used as a design basis to develop a new workflow process SOP (with alignment of the Malaysian Government current Pandemic SOP requirement) which includes in-house procedures development and monitoring in order for entities to achieve self-traceability and visibility measures on curbing and containing the infection throughout their workflow.


For infection control which has a huge impact on work and operational continuity, plans and procedures are carefully developed for all involved employees, contractors and other parties who may have direct and indirect physical contact with the entities so as to adhere and comply with adjustments to the new SOP requirements.


Entities can also extend this new SOP to all their relevant contractors, suppliers, service providers, vendors in order to have better monitoring, tracking and real time visibilities of infection risks.

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